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Building And Civil Construction
We had a very successful honey competition in our old home at the Honey Hall, Royal Agricultural Showgrounds, Pietermaritzburg. We had a lovely range of good quality honey and all in all an excellent standard of entries. Well done to all the winners. Results are here.
Open Day – Hive Splitting
Please RSVP to Dieter Meyer 083 272 0414 if you wish to attend
Beginning Beekeeping
This event is for the person interested in getting into beekeeping, but wants to find out what it is all about before diving in. Protective clothing is not required for this event. Tea/coffee will be provided.Cost: Members free, R100pp for non-members. Become a member for R465pa.RSVP: Roland Moore 083 552 3284 and for further details.
Royal Agricultural Exhibition
Here is the entry form for the Royal 2024
Open Day – Brood Chamber Management
Open days are free to attend for members of the KZNBFA. Non-members R100. Limited Beesuits are available for hire R100.
Honey Festival Competition Results
The 2023 Honey Festival was a huge success. Thank you to everybody who entered our competitions donated prizes and worked to make it all happen. The results are here.
2023 Royal Show Results
Our final honey competition ever to be held in the Honey Hall at the Royal Showgrounds has now been decided.Find the results here.
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