
We have held another successful Honey Competition in the Honey Hall at the Royal Showgrounds in Pietermaritzburg. A bittersweet event as it will be one of the last to be held in the Honey Hall but very positive for the future. The newest honey judge in South Africa, Kim McCall, judged our liquid honey classes while Eddy and Tina Lear judged the rest of the competition. We had a very healthy mead entry which bodes well for the upcoming SAMMA National Mead Competition and our Mead Workshop which is also to be held at the Royal Showgrounds in conjunction with the Honey Festival in July.

Another first is KZNBFA’s newest member and Novice won the KZN Champion Bottle. Well done!

Congratulations to Sandra Redinger-Hughes who won the National Champion Bottle

There were 73 entries in total and a good representation from Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces.

Unusually for KZN there was not one Saligna entry and a variety of unusual honeys – a sign of the changing face of beekeeping in our country.

A big thank you to all our sponsors of first place and trophy prizes:

Honey and the Hive, Hilton

SM McGladdery, Pietermaritzburg

CSL, Pietermaritzburg

Bushveld Bees, Hilton

James Hodkinson

Build-it, Hilton



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